Assistant sociology professor named National Academy of Sciences 2018 Kavli Fellow
Jennifer B. Kane, UCI assistant professor of sociology, has been named a 2018 Kavli Fellow by the National Academy of Sciences, in recognition of her exceptional research as an early career scientist. She specializes in applying quantitative methods in the analysis of social inequality, population health, family, fertility and the inter-generational transmission of health and well-being. She has received more than $1.4 million from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to study the causes of poor infant health. Her findings have been published in Social Forces; Demography; Social Sciences & Medicine; Journal of Health and Social Behavior; and Journal of Marriage and Family, among others. As a new fellow, Kane was invited to participate in the 29th Annual Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, held at the Beckman Center in Irvine in February. The event brings together outstanding young scientists from academia, industry and government to discuss the latest advances and opportunities in a broad range of scientific disciplies. Kane joined the School of Social Sciences in 2015 following a postdoctoral fellowship with the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.