6 Minority Science Program students snag awards for their research presentations at AAAS competition

Six undergraduate students participating in the Francisco J. Ayala School of Biological Sciences’ Minority Science Program won awards last month for their research presentations at the poster competition of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences’ annual meeting. The AAAS poster competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students from domestic and international institutions. The UCI entrants won in five of the 10 categories, competing against 170 other undergraduate and graduate students. Their achievements will be recognized in an upcoming issue of Science. The UCI winners and their categories are: Eden Barragan (first place) and Walter Guerrero (honorable mention) in brain and behavior; Michael Emami (first place) in developmental biology, physiology and immunology; Hector F. Sanchez (honorable mention) in environment and ecology; David Saldana (honorable mention) in medicine and public health; and Horacio Estabridis (first place) in technology, engineering and mathematics.