Traditional vaccines create immunity against microbes to prevent infectious diseases. Steinman will talk about vaccines that influence immune cells, which appear promising to treat cancer, autoimmunity, allergies and transplant rejection.

The Allergan Foundation funds this lecture series. Allergan Inc. is an Irvine-based healthcare company providing eye care and specialty pharmaceutical products worldwide. The series is designed to educate people about biological advances that one day may affect their lives.


Dr. Ralph Steinman of The Rockefeller University will discuss “Manipulating Your Immune System for Better Vaccines Against Pathogens, Cancer, Allergy and Autoimmune Disorders” as part of The Allergan Foundation Lecture Series in Modern Biology. The UC Irvine School of Biological Sciences is sponsoring the event. Steinman is the Henry G. Kunkel Professor and senior physician in the Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Immunology at the New York university.

The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering (bldg. 80, grid C4 on campus map)

07:00 p.m.